Why Overpay For Sharps Disposal?
Traditional regulated medical waste disposal companies were not designed for Small Quality Generators (SQG) like a dental office.
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WasteWise products are less than a third of the cost of traditional regulated waste disposal
Everything you need to collect, treat and dispose of sharps waste is included, no hidden fees, no contracts to sign. Simply fill with sharps (needles, blades, endo files, empty carpules and any other potential sharps), when full, the ‘catalyst’ packs are added causing the liquid to heat and convert into solid plastic polymer, safely encapsulating and rendering the sharps destroyed and unusable; making them safe for the regular trash. It’s that easy!

How can this happen?

“A class action lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois on April 3, 2013, accuses Stericycle of illegally increasing the amount it charged customers by as much as 18 percent a year.”
“According to the complaint, filed April 3, 2013, Stericycle instead raises prices automatically, programming its billing system to regularly increase rates regardless of any external conditions.”
“The named plaintiff, Lyndon Veterinary Clinic, contracted with Stericycle but saw its charges increase 21.1 percent in 2009, 17.8 percent in 2010, and 25.4 percent in 2012.”
The medical waste giant acknowledged the lawsuit in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, saying the suit comes after the company settled a similar complaint out of New York state.
“In the previous case against Stericycle, United States ex rel. Perez v. Stericycle, Inc., Perez’s supervisors routinely admitted that they were aware that Stericycle’s practices were improper with respect to the governmental accounts, yet Stericycle continued these practices with its smaller, individual clients, court documents claim.”
Read more here.